Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour?


Earth hour?What is that?

No, you will sure know it.Why?

Yes, Why?

Because you know, close 1 hour, that's so easy.

Another reason, people do I follow.

But What The Funny is earth hour, is meaningless.


1 hour, + people do I do, is the main reason why people do earth hour.

They did, they really did close the light.

But it is not what we want.OR what earth hour wants.

So, make it simple.IF you did any of the follow, DONT DO EARTH HOUR:

1. How often do you leave your mobile charger on even after you have to removed your mobile phone?

2. How often you leave for your teh tarik session with your room lights / fan/ air-con on?

3. When was the last time you turn off your room lights (if you are able to do so) when you leave for lunch / meetings?

4.How many hours do you think you left your TV on for the mini creatures (insect) or worst stil no one in your hall to watch per week?

5. When was the last time you left your toilet light on after doing what you need to do in there?

(some example from


Do feel guilty, me too.

BTW, earth hour, just a way people do to ensure they waste the resource everyday do not make them feel guilty, cause they did help environment,help earth to survive for only 1 HOUR, so human reserve 1 HOUR to say goodbye before extinct.


Earth hour, dont do it, understand it.

Not only electricity, water please, close tap when brushing your teeth one by one, wash with small amount of water for small quantity of garment when using washing machine.

For more, ask WH.


write in darkness.

Sunday, March 15, 2009



Organiser: Ah Looi
For more detail:


Pls sms him...-_-"


SUPER NICE...5 star album in 2009

來自「台語歌壇教父」紀明陽的音樂基因變種衝撞溫哥華生活體驗 淬煉出Blue J的獨特音階全才音樂人 (詞曲創作、編曲、製作、BEAT BOX、鋼琴、Remix混音)有台語歌壇重量級製作人爸爸(紀明陽),與台語歌詞曲創作人媽媽(蔡素惠)有古典音樂學歷 卻在流行樂界大放異彩 (國立藝專國樂科, 主修理論作曲副修鋼琴肄業. 加拿大British Columbia Douglas College(Music Program)畢業.紀佳松為自己的第一張個人創作專輯,寫了一首意義非凡的歌曲,他想寫一首他和爸爸紀明陽的歌,選這首1989年由黃乙玲演唱、爸爸紀明陽製作、媽媽蔡素惠詞曲的「水潑落地難收回」,以R&B加台語RAP的方式重新詮釋,「水潑落地」,代表當初媽媽為了愛與音樂十幾歲就不顧家裡反對跟著爸爸走的義無反顧;「水潑落地」代表爸媽帶著小孩飛往溫哥華的異鄉夢;「水潑落地」代表紀佳松一個人在異鄉努力的堅強忍耐;「水潑落地」代表紀佳松回到台灣後對流行音樂的執著堅持;這句台語厘語「水潑落地難收回」,雖然一般代表的是嫁出去的女兒像潑出去的水收不回,對於紀佳松而言,水的意義,卻代表著他與爸媽一脈相承的音樂血液,小時候討厭練鋼琴的他,繞了一大圈之後,卻依然回來做他自己喜歡的音樂,雖然他的音樂和爸爸的如此不同,卻依然希望能夠得到爸爸的認同。這首融合了台語和國語RAP與中文歌曲的「水潑落地難收回2009」,是一個傳承的連結,音樂上的 mixture,結合了不同的音樂風格,Acoustic R&B的底,加上說故事的Rap,還有Pop抒情的副歌部份,音樂中間也remake了老唱片播放出水波落地難收回的取樣;音樂編曲上,吉他表現 Acoustic R&B之外,也在樂器上做了不同的角色分配,讓二胡拉出小提琴的tremolo句型,也讓吉他在尾奏的時候彈中國樂器琵琶的輪指句型;以各種器樂上的連結,呼應歌詞的連結,濃濃的父子情溢於言表;平常不擅言語表達的父子兩人,藉著音樂,做了最好的傳達與呈現,是回憶、感恩、更是感謝。音樂在他身體裡面 抒情溫柔的 紀佳松 & 弛放節奏的Blue J劉德華、潘瑋柏、F4、蕭亞軒 … 亞洲天王天後最愛的創作人飛碟『夜光家族』光禹誠意推薦:?這是一個值得你用心檢驗的全方位創作歌手?超人氣網路作家 九把刀 誠意推薦音樂人狂推

【每天】 用音樂拯救愛情!崩壞的世界,唯一能倖存的只有愛
【一人樂隊】Blue J獨創Beat Box演唱編曲,挑戰人聲極限

6.同一個遺憾 (vs.潘瑋柏)

★Bonus CD【紀佳松精選創作DEMO】~聽見最初的靈感觸動~★
1.劉德華 」I Miss You」
2.F4百事廣告曲 「Ask For More」
3.吳建豪 「尋找茱麗葉」
4.F4 「煙火的季節」


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hey Yo!
KS is BacK!

juz wanna share with all my frens.. i had done my drama performance yesterday!
It was really fantastic and is de best group among 9.
My title was about "the champion bullfighter" lolx!
i was not de bull nia.. i was a Malay fighter---> Ninja!
It`s pretty cool, rite?

but it wasnt that 'good'.
aiks.. my group was formed by 8 ppl...7 chinese 1 malay(lazy+never come to practise...)
its really different, i think is bcaz of the business project which we are going to have in next month..
some of the gals in de group dint really co-operate, yet i still need to act as ntg and ACT with them in drama...
kind of sadness sia...
juz bcaz we are not de same group in de project,so both of our groups have some arguement b4..
vr serious lor.. they caused WHOLE foundation groups dun have booth to open a stall =.="

erm... i shall tell u all de story next time.. it is definitely more interesting than HK drama..lols

prefer that time we perform for Sejarah..xD
(is my gun still ok?)

time has been changed, different environment and need to change ourself anytime.
especially when u meet those weird ppl in my class... =.="
cannot tahan....

all de best to everyone ya! Be happy n Chill!